Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Daniel Striped Tiger and Sinaloa, Summer Update

So, as you may have noticed, Waste Management unfortunately had to cancel for the 17th. Luckily, though, our last live performance until September -- a tag team of DST and Sinaloa -- was still in the cards. This past Friday, both bands stopped in to play as long as possible given our time restrictions.

Download a recording of the performance here.

Sadly as I mentioned previously, this will be Dischord and Dynne's last live act until early September, as I'll be heading home for summer vacation at the end of May. Candace and I will still be playing some tunes yet for you all this coming Friday (May 1st), and then Orgy season will begin on Saturday. Check out a full listing for the upcoming Orgy season at http://whrb.org.

Aaand, that's it for D&D awhile, I guess! If you have any requests for bands that you'd like to hear on D&D next fall or if you're a band that would like to play, then please shoot me an email at dischordanddynne @ gmail . com. Otherwise, I'll still update sporadically with shows and music news until then.


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