It's that time of year-- the post-holiday crunch, the time when thousands of undergrads make their way back to Cambridge (I'm pretty sure we're the only place to do this anymore) only to have their hopes, dreams, and sleep schedules crushed by papers and exams.
On that note, hope everyone had a great holiday.
a few matters of outstanding business:
1) General Interest recording to be posted within the next week.
2) Orgy Season-- check out the schedule and full descriptions at
A few have already happened, but a lot of great ones are still on the schedule including Tjolgtjar (listen in if not just for the interview), Corin Tucker, Slap-a-Ham Records, Brian Eno, Do the Dance (collection of dance tunes over the years, curated by Dinos) and Our United States (a run down of bands with Presidential names, fit for inauguration day).
Tune in!
3) New dates confirmed for in-station shows:
Feb. 6th -
Magic People Feb. 27th -
Planned Communities4) RECORD HOSPITAL FEST 2009
We're just starting planning things, but right now the tentative date is April 10th and 11th-- Mark your calendars.