First off, Eunuch utterly slayed last Friday in-station. Big thanks to the girls for playing and sticking around to help dj. Definitely probably the first time that Whodini has graced an RH time. I'll be posting mp3s from their performance soon.
Next up, news on live performances. Today both Big Big Bucks and Made in Mexico confirmed dates for performances-- check out the updated info to your right for dates.
In honor of Halloween, Candace and I will only be playing cover songs this Friday. Check out the awesome MSPaint flyer, courtesy of Google Images and the Design School computer that somehow doesn't have Photoshop:
Lastly, just an update on actual shows. I'm heading out with Catherine tonight to see Sinaloa, Daniel Striped Tiger, Cantene, and Fourteen Foot One. I haven't heard the last two guys yet, but I'm excited both because I haven't seen the first two in forever (not to mention that they're two of my favorite bands around) and because the show is absolutely free! Emmanuel College. Almostshouldabeenthere~